Well, here we go.

I keep putting this off, mostly because I’ve been scared, but that’s really a crutch, so I’m going ahead. (Actually, the main block was that I couldn’t think of a good name, so that’s really more vanity than anything else.)

Last September, I stopped going to church. Well, actually, I’d stopped a long time before that, mostly because I haven’t felt connected to Christianity in quite a while. I love the Episcopal Church, as churches and Christian denominations go. I was raised in it, so it makes a lot of sense to me still.

However, some of the main parts of what it means to be Christian were no longer things I believed in. I realized it’s been a long while since I believed in those things, and that there were other things I believed in that I’d always believed in. Like reincarnation and the all-gods-are-one thing.

Shortly after making a conscious decision to look for something else, I started practicing Sanatana Dharma (aka Hinduism). We visited the Atlanta Hindu Temple, and I’ve been reading voraciously since then. I’ve made connections with several Western Hindu bloggers, and that’s helped. But it has still taken me this long to “come out” about it, mostly because of that Christian upbringing, but also because I don’t want to come off as a flake.

That doesn’t matter so much to me at this point.

What I believe is a deep part of me, no matter what label you put to it. However, after reading the Himalayan Academy’s description of the core beliefs of each of the major world religions, it became clear to me that Hinduism is a good fit.
And now I’m documenting it, as an effort to articulate what inspires me and what challenges I’m facing. I understand that this is the beginning of a long journey, and I’m excited to see what it brings.

About HappyGoth

By day, I'm a graphic designer. By night, I'm a knitter. I'm doing my part to keep Hotlanta stylish. I imagine that if you don't already understand the title of the blog, you're probably confused and perhaps slightly annoyed, but never fear - I do have a reason (and it's a good one). Having gone to hear Stephanie Pearl McPhee, and then having been inspired to blog about knitting, I found myself wondering what to call the blog. I recalled a conversation I had with Mouse and the Chicken Goddess about why it is a Bad Idea to anger knitters - this conversation was following SPM, aka the Yarn Harlot telling the assembled throng about Those Who Do Not Understand Knitting and Therefore Belittle It Much to the Chagrin of Others, or TWDNUKTBMCO, which is not the acronym she used but is the one I'm using because I forgot hers - that is, we are numerous and we all have very pointy sticks, easily transforming into an angry mob. Therefore, knitters = angry mob.
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8 Responses to Well, here we go.

  1. Aamba says:

    I think you’re in for a fantastic journey! I had no idea the benefits that would come to me when I started writing about practicing Hinduism and what that means to me. My world and my life have changed drastically since I started my blog a year and some months ago!

    • HappyGoth says:

      It’s so wonderful to be able to talk about it and know that somebody out there is interested in listening! Your journey on your blog has been very inspiring, and is what started me thinking about this blog. I felt like I might explode because there’s so much I want to say. This is a great release valve (and is less creepy than standing out in the parking lot telling people how happy I am to have found this).

      • Aamba says:

        You’ll see from my blog that I had a ton to say at first, and lately I’ve had less and less, I think I got almost everything I wanted to say out after a year and a half! lol

      • HappyGoth says:

        I did notice that, but I also noticed that the stuff you say now is a lot more focused and specific. It’s a good goal, and I imagine I’ll probably run out of things to say eventually, too. I’m totally cool with that.

  2. Sriram says:

    This should be an interesting blog. Keep writing, its interesting to view it from a different perspective.

  3. myownashram says:

    I can’t remember where I stumbled across your blog -Aamba? Anyway, I’ve recently jumped into the fray. It’s a small world for white, Western Hindu bloggers!

    • HappyGoth says:

      Hello hello! Welcome to the blog world! This little online community is a fantastic place to be! Aamba’s blog was actually how I found this little community, too. Small world, indeed!

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